PHP-Chart Version 0.0.3 (c) 1999-2002, This Software is freeware under the GPL. 0. Requirements: PHP with GD-Lib installed. PHP: GD: 1. Installing If PHP and GD are running, there is nothing to be installed. Just put chars.php into a directory of your webserver. (Attention: .php files have to be bound to the PHP-Preprocessor.) 2. Usage Functions return a PNG-Image-File. Just use 3. Parameters 3.1 MakeBarChart(1) or MakeLinePointChart(2) required Name Description (1) (2) ------------------------------------------------------------------- width the widht of the image [Pixels] y y height the height of the image [Pixels] y y caption a Title for the Chart n n xCaption a subtitle which is displayes below the X-Axis n n yCaption the same but for Y-Axis n n xScale if set to 1 each data-element gets an explanation below the bar n n yScale each horizontal Line gets its value printed beneath n n xValues if set to 1 the value of the bar is printed over the bar or beside the Points n n yCount the number of dashed horizontal lines n n yMax the maximum Value to be displayed in the Chart y y yMin the minimum Value to be displayed in the Chart n n value the value for bar Nr. n y - value_ the value for bar Nr. n - y scale the title for this bar only if xScale==1 linecount the number of different lines - y valueCount the number of different values y y bullets display a small bullet on the line - n lineOffset the number of _half_ rows the lines are shifted to the right - n numberFormat a FormatingString for yScale and printed value (3 n n (3) see 4. Questions an recomendations 5. Change-Log 0.0.1 Initial Release 0.0.2 - new Diagram LinePointChart - Formating of numbers 6. Thanx to Vaughn Dickson